I am just a simple young student but I have already my own dreams. We all know that change is the only permanent thing existing in this world. There are also 2 kinds of change, change for the betteror change for the worse. What change do you look forward? Is it a change for yourself or a change from your surrounding?

       I am looking forward for a change, change for the betterment of our country. But how can we start the change. It is just simple, you can start it by our own. 'Coz we also need to change if we want something to change. There are so many problems encountered by our country. We don't have a clean and safe breathing space. "My breathing space is also yours". How can we stop or prevent it?, start it with yourself. Having self-discipline is the first step in achieving change. Don't wait for others, start it with you! Influence others to also make a change. Be a good role model to others, especially to the young one's.

        What change are you wishing for? What are you doing for that change? Start it now, before it gets late. Only you, can make a change you desire.


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