This year, our school Ilocos Sur National High School is celebrating the 117th High School Day or the Foundation Day of the said school. The celebration started at March 01, 2019 it is a two day celebration, so the celebration was from March 01-02, 2019. Activities are conducted. On the first day, the coronation was held at the school gymnasium. The coronation for Mr. And Ms. Ilocos Sur National High School 2019. On the second day, where activities are more interesting. In the morning, parade was held where all of the students and teachers joined the parade, in the afternoon was the most exciting part of the whole celebration which is rbe field demonstration. Each grade level prepared a dance presentatpn ( Boys&Girls Category).

  Each grade level did such amazing performances but the dance presention of both girls and boys team of Grade 8 class won the crown being the champion during the field demonstration, lead by the Officer-in-charge of the Mapeh Department Mrs.Judeliza Refuerzo. The Grade 8 class really showed/ proved that they deserve the championship. It was really an amazing perdormance. The colorful hand props used by the performers gave mofe color and life to the performance and it really attreacts the attention of the audience.

     It might be sad to think of that it was our last High Scjool Day for these Junior High School is really the best school. Here in Ilocos Sur and I can say proudly that it is my school. SOAR...FLY...AIM HIGH...ILOCOS SUR NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL


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