Equality, what we all wish for. Equal treatments. Equal Rights. Many people are seeking for these. To be treated by the society equally. The LGBTQ Community qre the seekers or the main seekers for equality. They are rooting for this. They are fighting for these, Why? because they are experiencing discrimination from tbe judgemental society. We are all born equally. We are all created by God. We are all the same in God's eyes. But why? Why are there still people who are seeking for equal rights?

      People with Disabilities an the LGBTQ Community. They are judged by us, the society. Because we think that they are different. And we're wrong. They are also human beings, they also nedd RESPECT. Respect is the key to achieve equality. We all have our own stories. Each of us has the right to fight for what we want and we need. We all deserve to be loved and happy. Acceptance can make us free. Positivity can keep our soul happy.

      No one is different. No oneis out of place. We are all the ones  making our own happiness, but other people can also help us to fulfill our own happiness


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