In this generation, using gadgets is  so convenient especially in doing home works or requirements needed. Teenagers has the highest percentage of gadget users. Most of our times are spent using our gadgets. Surfing on the internet, using different social media applications. I admit that I am also a gadget user who spent a lot of time in surfing. We are all aware of the different side effects of using gadgets.

      Children and teenagers nowadays can't even go out from their shelters to enjoy their own social life. They just stay inside and face their phones or gadgets, surfing or playing without even thinking that they almost forgot top enjoy life. Enjoy life with friends and with other people. There are also times that gadgets are the reason why the relationship between a parent and a child is not that close anymore. To the point that they don't even talk.

      We might think that life would be so boring without gadgets but it’s not. We should discover the beauty of life. Enjoy life. And live a happy life. Try to bring back the closeness we missed with our families.


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