TEACHer: Where all professions are produced

     Doctors, Nurses, Police officers, Seamens, Architects, Engineers, Accountants, Firemans and more are all produced from Teachers. Without themthere will never be successful persons. They are sharinv their knowledge to us. Teachers are just like the sun, it gives us a source of energy and knowledge , sun represents hope. Sun gives energy to plants that will cause them to grow and bare fruits or flowers.

     Teachers qho served as our second parents and our parents in school. They are not just a good role model to us, students but also our great inspirations and molderers. They are molding us to be a better persom. A love of a teacher to us their student can't be replaced.

     A day to celebrate, for being a good teacher. A big thank you to you our dear Teacber! HAPPY TEACHERS's DAY TO YOU OUR HERO!


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