Resiliency of Philippine Citizens

          Our country is located in the Pacific Ring of Fire so the Philippines is prone to disasters such as typhoon and earthquake. Filipinos are already used in expressing disasters especially typhoon. Typhoon and earthquake are examples of natural disasters, there are also what we call human induced disasters. Accidents and war are the most common examples for human induced disasters.

          One of the most unforgettable happening in the Philippine History is the Typhoon Yolanda in Tacloban in the year 2013 which can't be erased in the memories of the victims.Many lives, buildings, properties and establishments was destroyed.

          In the human induced disaster, one example of this is the battle in Marawi which last for 5 months(153 days). That was a nightmare to the victims that can never be forgotten. Because of that bloody battle between the Maute Group and the Armed Forces of the Philippines, innocent lives are taken , establishments and structures are damaged and destroyed.

          Those disasters caused a deep Trauma to the Filipino citizens specially the victims. But Filipinos have a strong faith and belief that God will help and guide them, they stayed being positive. We can not except  the fact that they are affected. There are also Filipinos that can not easily recover. So, what are some things or steps they need to do to be able to recover slowly? For them to slowly recover, first is acceptance . They should accept that its done and already gone. Second, move on and continue living,start a new beginning.

          Another effect of disaster is the degrading of the economy here in the Philippines. One of the main reason why Philippines is not progressing is because most of the funds are used for the rebuilding of destroyed homes and structures.

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